Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Awaken my gentle child and open to the day
Breath easy, you are safe

Present your self as you are,
free and curious

It's ok to come out and play
You are loved no matter what

Laugh, skip, and jump
Go now, your friends want to see you


hummingbird honeysuckle said...

Cherish the rampaging and silent ,calming feelings which seep into my heart everytime I read this. A comfort and a mind shaker..

hummingbird honeysuckle said...

Playful child with singing child; singing child and dancing petals drifting leaves splashing dappled patterns swiftly winging geese honk ecstaticly knowing warmth is closer <><><> chipmunks gather on the banks of the deschutes remembering past days of sunshine and flowers
and the day Geraldo and Hummingbird came to play in the river and the marvelous warm wind while Grandma watched amazed and transfixed on the shore of the deschutes river

Unknown said...

Come out and play Luke...follow a different path...if only temporary. Come out and play.
Let's laugh
Let's dance
Let's be
Like children again.
Let's have a pillow fight.
I'll miss you.
I'll be waiting...
Can't wait till recess.